Thursday, September 27, 2012

TuneUp Utilities 2013 13.0.2013.195 Full Crack + Register

TuneUp Utilities 2013 13.0.2013.195 Full Crack + Register File adalah salah satu software utilitas terbaik saat ini yang digunakan oleh jutaan pengguna komputer. TuneUp Utilities 2013 Full membantu para pengguna memperbaiki beragam masalah pada sistem komputer seperti memperbaiki dan menghapus registry yang bermasalah, defrag Harddisk, defrag registry, dan lain-lain. Pada TuneUp Utilities versi 2013 kini hadir dengan inovasi terbaru, seperti menghapus jejak online yang lebih lengkap, sudah mendukung Windows 8, dan beragam fitur baru lainnya.

Screenshot :

TuneUp Start page:
  • Intuitive Layout, Easy to Use
  • Provides quick and easy access to the most critical optimization functions
  • A single yet comprehensive appraisal of your PC's current performance and overall system health
TuneUp Speed Optimizer:
  • Intelligent, Powerful Utility for any User Skill Level
  • Easy optimization in just a few clicks
  • Identifies unused programs and resource-draining functions
  • Recommends tools for optimal PC performance
TuneUp 1-Click Maintenance:
  • Automatic, Fast Optimization
  • Enables one-click maintenance of the most important functions of your PC
  • Cleans the Windows registry
  • Deletes temporary files and folders
  • Increases the system performance through integrated defragmentation
  • Streamlines your desktop and simplifies folder shortcuts with one click
TuneUp Drive Defrag:
  • Intelligent defragmentation with new progress display
TuneUp System Control:
  • Supports Opera
TuneUp Uninstall Manager:
  • Intuitive uninstall options
TuneUp Startup Manager:
  • Increases the speed at the start-up of your PC
TuneUp Registry Cleaner:
  • More powerful tool with in-depth view of your PC registry
  • Min. 300 MHz processor
  • 256 MB RAM
  • Screen resolution at least 1024x600 pixels
  • For online version: at least 80 MB of free disk space
  • For CD version: at least 300 MB of free disk space (and CD-ROM or DVD drive)
  • Internet Explorer 6 or higher
The Innovative TuneUp Disk Cleaner:
  • Are program remnants and files accumulating on your hard disk? The new TuneUp Disk Cleaner function provides you with expert help, clearing your computer of these remnants.
The Thorough TuneUp Browser Cleaner:
  • TuneUp Browser Cleaner allows you to completely clear out many different areas of your browser. It uncovers and cleans up numerous traces of your surfing activity, including the cache, cookies and downloads.
The Even More Powerful TuneUp Registry Cleaner:
  • For an even more thorough cleanup, the new and improved TuneUp Registry Cleaner now scans and cleans up even more areas of the Windows registry.
The Improved TuneUp Shortcut Cleaner:
  • The optimized TuneUp Shortcut Cleaner now removes broken shortcuts and history lists of programs from the hard disk even more efficiently.
The Even More Effective TuneUp Live Optimization:
  • The new TuneUp Live Optimization is now even more intelligent and learns with you. It detects frequently  deprioritized programs and gives you the option to disable them.
Windows 8 Support

Cara install:
  1. Install program hingga selesai
  2. Tutup program yang berjalan dengan cara jalankan Services.msc lalu cari Tuneup Utilities, dan stop proses. [untuk Windows XP : Start > Run > ketik services.msc], [untuk Windows 7 : Start > pada kolom pencarian ketik services.msc]
  3. Copy and replace crack ke program files TuneUp Utilities
  4. Jalankan file registration.reg
  5. Selesai

  Password :

Windows 7 Manager 4.1.4 Final Yamicsoft + Crack + Keygen

Windows 7 Manager 4.1.4 Final Yamicsoft + Crack + Keygen adalah software utilities yang sangat direkomendasikan bagi pengguna OS Windows 7 di PC-nya. Dan saya'pun menggunakannya. Windows 7 Manager 4.1.4 Final Yamicsoft  memiliki kurang lebih 30 tools yang semuanya dapat anda gunakan untuk mengoptimalkan, meningkatkan performa, membersihkan, merubah tampilan windows dan masih banyak lagi. Untuk informasi Yamicsoft Windows 7 Manager lebih lengkap, silahkan lihat di bawah gambar ini! Bila anda ingin men'download software ini. Silahkan klik DOWNLOAD NOW! di akhir postingan ini.

Screenshot :

Features :
  • Windows 7 Manager 4.1.4 Released!
  • My Task updated to v2.7
  • JumpList Quick Launcher updated to v4.5
  • Task Scheduler Manager updated to v3.4
  • Registry Cleaner updated to v5.5
  • Super Copy updated to v2.6
  • Visual Customizer updated to v3.4
Installasi :
1. Unrar
2. Install Windows 7 Manager
3. Use keygen to activate Windows 7 Manager
4. Enjoy

 Password :

Internet Download Manager 6.12 Build 20 Final Full Version

Internet Download Manager - Pada tanggal 26 september kemarin, pihak IDM melakukan update kembali, yakni IDM 6.12 Final Build 20. Di IDM versi ini ada sedikit perbaikan dan sudah support dengan firefox 17, Seamonkey 2.12 dan 2.13.

What's new in version 6.12 Final build 20?
(Released: Sep 26, 2012)
  • Added support for Firefox 17
  • Added support for Seamonkey 2.12 and 2.13
  • Fixed bugs 

Screenshot :

 Password :

Template by : Raden Cupank Free Download Software Full Version